The Living Room

Sometimes you lose your address to find your shelter

right now: november 2023

Making: Lists of stuff to do and buy and watch and listen to before the end of the year!

Cooking: A lot of soup–Roberto and this chicken-lentil situation from BA and the ground beef-mixed veggie-tomato situation my family always makes the first day it’s kind of cool outside. Also made these cookies the other day and they’re really good, although the unbaked dough is actually better (isn’t it always, though).

Drinking: Coffee, water, the spiced apple flavor of Waterloo, lots of tea

Reading:  Urban Apologetics (for class); How the Word is Passed and The Liturgy of Politics (for non-academic enrichment). I also recently read A Court of Thorns and Roses and, well, I get the hype.

Wanting: The semester to be over and winter recess at work to get here (loads to do before both of those things happen, though!)

Looking: At my budget and saving plan

Deciding: What to get for folks for Christmas

Listening: To too many podcasts, yikes, and all of the Advent and Christmas music (link to your playlists in the comments!)

Buying: Not a lot for myself right now (see also: Christmas presents, but also I need to get my car’s suspension fixed soon…)

Smelling: The cinnamon vanilla tea I made

Watching: My Liked Videos playlist on YouTube

Wearing: All my sweats and joggers and fuzzy socks (welcome to late autumn in southeast Texas)

Noticing: My sleep cycle this week has been completely out of whack and now my brain feels like cotton balls

One response to “right now: november 2023”

  1. Hope you’re well. Give me a call sometime. – Steph

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