The Living Room

Sometimes you lose your address to find your shelter

random things i’ve been pondering

1. What is up with the phrase “in this place”? You know what I mean, if you’ve been in church: “Lord, we just ask You to be here in this place…” or some other permutation. It’s been bugging me because a) isn’t that just an overly verbose and/or redundant way of saying “here”? b) where else do you want Him to be? I don’t know.

Also–“Stand to your feet.” Where the heck else are you going to stand? Your hands? I don’t get it. 🙂

2. Been thinking a lot about the resurrection lately, thanks to sermons at church and having just read N.T. Wright’s book Surprised by Hope. I think it’s interesting that God is in the business of redeeming and renewing matter; one day He’s going to make the physical world whole again, including our bodies. God likes matter, and to say He doesn’t is to fall into the same error as the gnostics (and I know you guys don’t want to do that). I mean, He made it, after all, so God likes trees and airplanes and mangoes and sound waves and skin colors and dolphins. And in the meantime, we get to be part of the renewal, whether by enjoying God’s good creation or making it more beautiful or taking care of it. Imagine the implications this has for aesthetics and environmentalism.

3. Confession: I bought a coloring book the other day. A Hello Kitty coloring book. Broke out my crayons for the first time in years. I stay in the lines, thank you very much. Sometimes you just need to regress a little. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to go have some juice and cookies…

4. Speaking of regression, I got a Psalty song stuck in my head stuck in my head the other day, and I wanted all the rest of you to join in the fun:

3 responses to “random things i’ve been pondering”

  1. I have a stained glass coloring book for finals week, because when I’m stressed out I regress to my childhood as well 🙂

  2. Speaking of regression, LAME ON, my friends, LAME ON!

  3. I really appreciate what you said in #1. Nothing like our ultra attempts to sound ultra spiritual.

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