The Living Room

Sometimes you lose your address to find your shelter


reading: Roughing It by Mark Twain (for class), a lot of essays (for another class), Prayer and the Art of Volkswagen Maintenance (for fun), and maybe starting on another one soon. Oh, and lots of craft blogs. And Luke.

doing: Lots of crazy girlie dancing (for Sing), editing papers (for The Pulse), knitting wristwarmers (for the roommate and another friend), working (for the library)

considering: God’s sovereignty, what the gospel looks like translated into living, what the heck I’m doing after graduation, boys

eating: Italian food (seriously, we’ve had chicken parmesan and lasagna all weekend, and I’m making spaghetti tonight)

listening: Podcasts, my whole iTunes library (I made it to the B’s yesterday)

needing: A new phone, Sing to be over, to see somebody from Houston, more hugs

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