The Living Room

Sometimes you lose your address to find your shelter

March 2011

  • lent, week 3: baptize my mind.

    Reaching, always reaching, never reaching solid ground Seeking, always seeking, never seeking what I’ve found My mind is flooded constantly with thought– thoughts of grandeur, of lust, of pride, of frustration, of hatred, of anger, of annoyance, of despair, of trivialities. And it’s hard for me to break through the surface sometimes and breathe, and… Continue reading

  • 100 women I admire.

    In honor of National Women’s History Month. This is a historical, personal, and occasionally fictional list. 1. All the nameless women who have prayed and remained faithful to Christ throughout the centuries, whose names I’m only going to find out on the other side.. 2. Sojourner Truth. 3. Harriet Tubman. 4. Gillian Welch. 5. Sandra… Continue reading

  • a few thoughts after my friend lindsay’s dad’s memorial service today.

    1. The great thing about being a Christian is that laughter at your funeral is entirely appropriate–and anticipatory of things to come. 2. And the great thing, too, is that tears are also entirely okay, because church ought to be a place where you can grieve without feeling like you have to be strong. Being… Continue reading

  • this is AMAZING.

    These are the heads of a puppet company in South Africa, talking about and demoing the life-sized horse puppet they made for a play called War Horse: Continue reading

  • Saturday night and Sunday morning.

    1. I know too many young women who’ve lost their dads. While I can’t fully have any idea how they feel, the thought occurs to me that one day I will, and that is a scary thing, one that drives me to my knees (and makes me want to hug my dad). 2. The longer… Continue reading

  • music check.

    We haven’t done one in a super-long time, so here we go–put your music player on repeat, list the first 20 tracks… 1. David Crowder Band, “Deliver Me” (Illuminate) 2. Radiohead, “Fitter Happier” (OK Computer) 3. Phantom Planet, “Always On My Mind” (The Guest) 4. Aireline, “Rest Your Bones” (Ocean Songs from the Year of… Continue reading

  • lent, week 2: bad.

    If you twist and turn away If you tear yourself in two again I wonder sometimes if I’m addicted to sadness, to worry, to angst. It feels safer because pursuing joy sometimes seems like chasing after the wind, all the while I don’t understand that the wind chases after me. If I could, you know… Continue reading

  • note:

    Christian, Jesus did not suffer the wrath and judgment of the Father so you could keep feeling like He’s disappointed with you, even (or especially) when other people are. Continue reading

  • 100 random pop culture things I like.

    1. Lost. 2. EW’s Doc Jensen’s commentaries on Lost. 3. Firefly. 4. Actually, anything Joss Whedon does (except for Dollhouse, which I never really watched, and his atheism). 5. Pixar movies. 6. The extra features on DVDs. 7. Hip-hop music. 8. Tap dance. 9. Kanye West’s Twitter feed. 10. NPR’s All Songs Considered. 11. NPR’s… Continue reading